Spiritual Teachings on Smiling – The Janitor: Part II

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”  Dr. Seuss

I began working with the Urban League of Greater Madison in October of 2003 as a Social Worker serving adolescents’ mental, emotional, social, cultural, and academic needs of the student population in Madison, Wisconsin. I loved the work and the kids.

Spiritual Teachings on Smiling and Humility

After being at the school for a little while, I began to build a relationship with one of the janitors. His name is Oscar, and he is a beautiful man born and raised in Costa Rica. He has a dark complexion seen on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rican with a graying beard, sideburns, and short, wavy, balding hair. He typically wears T-shirts with bright colors. Oscar’s brown eyes are full and deep. He moved to the States several years ago as an adult. He is friendly in such a warm and genuine way that it is hard not to want to be around him. His smile beams greater than almost anyone I’ve ever seen, radiating the hallway during casual conversation. Oscar always finds a minute to engage in brief interactions, each filled with his presence and sweetness.

Spiritual Teachings on Smiling - Providence Holistic Counseling Services- Sometimes-your-joy-is-the-source-of-your-smile-but-sometimes-your-smile-can-be-the-source-of-your-joy.- Tich Nhat Hanh


One day after school, some of the boys were making fun of Oscar; he paid no mind to them smiling while they laughed and teased him about “being just a janitor.” One of my co-workers pulled the boys into our room and shut the door. I was new to the scene but knew what that meant. Arthur and Barry, the two guys I shared an office with, shut the door when they want to say things that you can’t say with the door open. Arthur explained to the boys how disrespectful and rude it was to speak to a janitor like that. One of the boys commented, “Yeah, but he’s just a janitor!” Then Arthur shared with the boys (and me) about Oscar.


Oscar had been a high-level corporate executive in his homeland of Costa Rica, a real mover and shaker. He owns several expensive Classic cars, retiring early after accumulating more wealth than needed. After retiring, he wanted to be around kids but did not want the responsibility and rules that govern public school teachers, so he chose to be a school janitor.

 “A smile confuses an approaching frown.”  ~Author Unknown

My mentor has an expression that I hold close to me. She often speaks about “hiding in plain sight.” By this, she means being out in the world but drawing no special attention to yourself – being present without being noticed. Oscar is a master at “hiding in plain sight.” He cleans classrooms and bathrooms, smiling with such ease and grace. He moves his boom box down the halls after school, listening to the local Spanish radio station, La Movida. He never stresses or looks bothered by the mess the kids make. You would never know he can read or write by how simply he carries himself, smiling, forgetting about being an educated and former high-powered corporate executive.


Spiritual Teachings on Smiling - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - silence-and-smile-quote


I hope sometime in my life, I learn to smile as brightly and beautifully as Oscar does daily while cleaning school hallways, classrooms, and bathrooms of papers, pencils, and vomit. My mentor has recommended many times over the last 15+ years that being a night janitor would be an excellent job for me – working with my hands, simple, focused, no drama, and doing something for people who never know you do it for them. I enjoy being around people too much to make that leap.


Oscar’s smile source is within him, not in his moisturizer, shower gel, or “age-defying beauty cream.” Peace, Joy, and Love are the original beauty secrets (and much cheaper too). For those who want another more practical resource: try Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. The quote on the soap bottle reads, “Enjoy only 2 cosmetics, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting ONE! All-One!” I use them regularly. Oscar’s Inner smile brightens the hallways, his willingness to give without the need for thanks or recognition shining brightly for us to see. I have run into Oscar several times outside of the school while he is walking his two really cool, large English Sheep Dogs and that same presence and peace is still there.


Happiness and the willingness to share it with others are secrets to staying, feeling, and looking young. I am grateful I’ve had a janitor like Oscar to remind me of how this all works.


Spiritual Teachings on Smiling - Providence Holistic Counseling Services- your so busy changing the world Jack Johnson


I miss my friend Oscar the Janitor and his bright shiny smile.

 Top Ten Reasons to Smile


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Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counseling Services

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