Dancing Makes You Smarter

Dancing Makes You Smarter by David Avocado Wolfe. Celebrate Life Through Dance!

Dancing Makes You Smarter by David Avocado Wolfe. - Providence Holistic Counseling Services

Dancing Makes You Smarter – The four primary benefits are:

  1. “Flexibility physically is important is supporting the brain’s flexibility. Dancing keeps oxygen and blood flowing, nourishing your mind and body for maximum efficiency and performance.  Dancing helps your body maintain the a full range of motion for all major muscle groups, because it blends stretching and bending
  2. Strength is gained when muscles are exerted; when there is force against resistance. Dancing requires that muscles resist against body weight, thus strengthening the body.
  3. Endurance is built as muscle work harder for increasingly longer periods of time. Vigorous dancing elevates heart rage and can increase stamina.
  4. Positive Well-Being is elicited, whether you are in a social setting or by yourself. Dancing activates positive neuro-energy in your brain, reduces stress, and builds confidence.” by 


Dancing Makes You Smarter by David Avocado Wolfe. - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Native-dance Diving in water


Dancing Makes You Smarter – What kind of dancing?

“Let’s go back to the study:
Bicycling, swimming or playing golf – 0% reduced risk of dementia

But doesn’t golf require rapid-fire decision-making?  No, not if you’re a long-time player.  You made most of the decisions when you first started playing, years ago.  Now the game is mostly refining your technique.  It can be good physical exercise, but the study showed it led to no improvement in mental acuity.

Therefore do the kinds of dance where you must make as many split-second decisions as possible.  That’s key to maintaining true intelligence.

Does any kind of dancing lead to increased mental acuity?  No, not all forms of dancing will produce this benefit.  Not dancing which, like golf or swimming, mostly works on style or retracing the same memorized paths.  The key is the decision-making.  Remember (from this page), Jean Piaget suggested that intelligence is what we use when we don’t already know what to do.” Rusty Frank


Dancing Makes You Smarter by David Avocado Wolfe. - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - dancing through the storm


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Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counseling Services

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