Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon. We often apologize assuming that people will appreciate our politeness and good manners. But in most cases, the other party is much more pleased to hear words of gratitude from you rather than an apology.Talented illustrator Yao Xiao, using everyday situations as inspiration, helps to explain why «thank you» is sometimes better than «I’m sorry» in this cartoon. We at Bright Side thought it really made sense, and just had to share it with you. Take a look.


I think the lesson(s) in Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon, are true. What do you think of Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon? Does this feel true to you as well?

Which cartoon “hit home” for you the most?


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Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counseling Services

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