2 results for tag: sexual harassment

They Are Real People – Inspiring Video – The Game

They are real people. We are real people. Respect, love, and support are neither foreign nor hard to do.  "The Game" is an inspiring video created by One Student. It is awesome to see young people, particularly men, stand up and speak out against sexual assault. This was unheard of when I was a student. The young men who may have wanted to stand were squashed by the bigger, stronger, and/or louder guys.  It was disguised as, "Boys will be boys", or pressured into silence by both men and women. These women are real people, not just statistics.  It was the "thing" that nobody wanted to discuss, which is how it seemed. I was unaware of anyone willing to have these kinds of discussions, but the crowd I ran with was why I have that perception. As I reflect on this further, I clearly remember that the African-American college community was active in race, class, and gender conversation regularly. I had several friends within the community and would sometimes be present during these honest and often tense discussions. Real people having real conversations.   They Are Real People - Inspiring One Student Video - The Game - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex

It is common knowledge that young girls experience incredible pressure pushing them towards and pulling them away from sex. As if girls do not have a choice or their own vote on their sexuality. In reading 17 lies we need to stop teaching girls about sex by Julianne Ross, I am reminded of just how many ways young girls are influenced and pressured to meet the needs of others, whether that be their father, mother, friends, clergy or boyfriends. It's time we collectively begin teaching girls the truth about sex and their own sexuality. The lies we teach them are not productive, nor in their best interests. ...