8 result for tag: Social Disconnection

Can You Go Crazy from Lack Of Touch? Life of the Skin-Hungry

We all need touch. We may feel like we don't, but we do. Even those among us that have suffered physical trauma from the hands of others need touch. For some people, touch may come with some challenges; this does not mean it is less important, needs some navigating for touch to be a positive experience. 
What happens when we do not receive enough physical touch?  The answer varies from person to person, but we all suffer from feeling "untouchable" or untouched. This may express itself as depression, anxiety, loneliness, isolation, aggression, anger, sadness, or many forms of physical or emotional pain. The key is to learn what means of touch and physical affection are most supportive to you and when.
The Life of the Skin-Hungry: Can You Go Crazy from a Lack Of Touch? - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
