36 result for tag: Spiritual Development

Meditation Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey

Last week I participated in a solo, two-day meditation retreat at Portsmouth Abbey in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, just north of Newport.  I was grateful for the opportunity to pray, meditate, sit and chant with the monks at Portsmouth Abbey.

Meditation Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey - The Chapel

Meditation Retreat at Portsmouth Abbey - Providence Life Coaching & Spiritual Training - portsmouth abbey chapel outside

If you have never visited a Benedictine Monastery before, they wake early in the morning, typically around 5:00a.m., beginning the day with the first of seven "Offices", or times of communal prayer through chanting. As a guest, you are welcome to join them for as much or as little of their daily routine as you feel moved. I did not choose to take part in the early morning prayer-time, instead I stayed in my room for silent prayer and meditation. I went there for silence and meditation....