47 results for tag: Reiki Healing

Is Reiki Science or Hype?

Reiki has been in my life so long, it is hard for me to imagine Reiki being something foreign, mystical or unusual. I first received training in 1995 and have practiced Reiki in some form every day since. Based on that information, you can see how hard it is for me to question; is Reiki science or hype? For me, that would be like questioning is water wet or if night is dark....

Reiki Benefits Cancer-Related Symptoms

As a practicing Traditional Usui Reiki Teaching Master since 1995, I have first-hand experience demonstrating how Reiki can positively affect all aspects of our lives, mental, emotional, physical, social, sexual, professional and spiritual. It is no surprise to me that research is beginning to show how Reiki benefits cancer-related symptoms. As Reiki has gained credibility in the medical profession, the need for quality research has increased. We are all very grateful for the researchers who conducted their work without bias. Unfortunately, many researchers include personal prejudice in their work trying to make Reiki seem to be something it's not, positive or negative. I invite you to read the excerpt from the following article on Reiki benefits cancer-related symptoms.

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody

Last fall there was a parody of a Miley Cyrus song, "Wrecking Ball", that was making its rounds through social media titled "Reiki Me". I know many members of the Reiki community were very offended by this video, I was not one of them. As far as I know, musical parodies are supposed to make fun of things and not be taken seriously. This funny video that is nothing like what a Traditional Usui Reiki Master would practice is hysterical.I am sure that you will enjoy the Providence Reiki Treatment Parody....

First Degree Reiki Training in Providence – April 12-13

  I am very excited to be offering another First Degree Reiki Training in Providence. This training will be taking place April 12-13 from 12:00-5:00. No experience is necessary, only willingness and commitment. Please contact me directly for more details including location, either leave a comment or send me an email michael.swerdloff@gmail.com.   The fee for this Reiki Training in Providence is $125 total for the two-day training. If you cannot afford the fee, please contact my privately. More about Reiki and Reiki Training   Michael Swerdloff Providence Life Coaching and Reiki Counseling

I Am Not a Healer

It’s now been forty minutes in an altered brain rhythm, slipping from below ordinary consciousness, even below psychic, all the way down to spiritual healing.  It is a state where words, thoughts and actions are not completely ruled by the ego.  The shadow has quieted enough to allow the True Self to speak and be present.  The answers are usually simple, a word, a phrase or maybe even just a syllable. In this case, very simple: “Yes”.  This is my life as a Reiki Practitioner.
