Providence Reiki Treatment Parody

  • Providence Reiki Treatment Parody - Providence Holistic Counseling Services -

Last fall there was a parody of a Miley Cyrus song, “Wrecking Ball”, that was making its rounds through social media titled “Reiki Me”. I know many members of the Reiki community were very offended by this video, I was not one of them. As far as I know, musical parodies are supposed to make fun of things and not be taken seriously. This funny video that is nothing like what a Traditional Usui Reiki Master would practice is hysterical.I am sure that you will enjoy the Providence Reiki Treatment Parody.

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody – Reiki Me Video

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody Discussion

It is unfortunate that so many people have ego and attachment to their religious and spiritual practices. I remember growing up, my father and other people used to caution me half seriously with a smile, “Never talk about religion and politics in public”. I understand where my father was coming from, but do not agree. My experience demonstrates that it is not that politics or religion are subjects that we cannot talk about, they are subjects that we can’t talk about if we are attached to only one frame of mind or ego about being right. I heard somebody once say, “Many people have ego about their religious and spiritual beliefs because the amount of fear or lack of faith they experience”. I cannot speak for every person, but this makes sense to me. There was a time if anybody questioned the validity or credibility of Reiki, I would get upset and defend Reiki and my practice as if I was being challenged as a human being. I have no reason to prove Reiki to anyone today. I have experienced directly or as a witness to many successful Reiki interventions to doubt almost 20 years of evidence.

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Reiki Precepts English

One of my most joyful experiences as a Reiki Master is the first time that somebody receives a Reiki treatment or Reiki counseling. All I have to do is look at the color and vitality of their skin, the clarity in their eyes and their overall sense of well-being and optimum health. Each person has their own unique experience with their first and subsequent Reiki treatments, but the common characteristics listed above are consistent. I always try to leave some time after a Reiki treatment to debrief the experiences. Most clients will ask a question of this nature, “Wow! Is every Reiki session this amazing?” I tend to smile or laugh and remind them that each Reiki experience is unique, but yes, most of them are incredibly amazing”. For me, the gratitude I receive from participating in these amazing experiences is what motivates me to put in the hours of meditation, practice and spiritual discipline that facilitates incredible Reiki experiences. It is one of the main reasons I practice ands teach Reiki.

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - reiki-cat

I remember early in my Reiki practice, regularly I would question if my experiences were real, the effects of a placebo or my imagination. I was and still am a very practical man and rarely accept anything on faith that somebody tells me verbally or in written form. In fact, I typically need a significant amount consistent experiences before I will accept something as true. And even when I accept this truth, I will still revisit any concerns or questions that rise along the way. Like everyone else, I have met enough quacks and wannabes in my life.


Providence Reiki Treatment Parody - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - feel the fear and do it anywayI hope you enjoy the Reiki parody, “Reiki Me”. I think it is fun, playful and an excellent demonstration of what my Reiki practice is not. Reiki is a safe, gentle and international practice that people all over the world receive extraordinary benefits. Of course, the Rieiki community has our own share of quacks and wannabes. I think this parody does a great job of bringing to light just what they are and those of us who have made a Reiki commitment as our work are not. If you would like to experience a Reiki treatment or make an appointment for Reiki counseling, I invite you to contact me.

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - if we wait till we are ready


Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counseling Services


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