Meditation Training in Rhode Island!

I am very excited to offer a Meditation Training in Rhode Island! This three-part series will be excellent for beginners and those who already have a meditation practice. We will cover the basics of meditation, and various styles and methods. We will have real life experiences with each style plus time to practice. This meditation training series is constructed so that you will have two weeks between each session to practice.

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better, it’s about befriending who we are. – Ani Pema Chodron

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master

The first session of the meditation training will be April 6th from 1:00 – 3:00 at Kindred Community Acupuncture on the border of Pawtucket and the Eastside of Providence at 545 Pawtucket Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860. We will cover what meditation is and the basics to get you started, or review what you already know. We will explore meditation forms like breath-watching, mantras, guided Imagery and visualizations. We will start with simple techniques and build on them.

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master

The second session on April 20th from 1:00 – 3:00 will include a check-in and discussion on your experience with practice. We will continue to learn and experience additional forms and techniques together. We will move forward at the pace of the group, acknowledging we all learn in different rates and ways. This session will include meditation through movement. The particular movement forms we explore will be determined by the group energy and needs.

So what is a good meditator? The one who meditates. – Allan Lokos

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master

The third session will May 4th from 1:00 – 3:00. like we did in the second session, we will have a check-in period that offers an opportunity for you to share your experiences with your meditation practice. Based on what the collective interests and skill level, we will focus on the specific forms and techniques that you feel drawn to and want to strengthen. If there are any methods we have not explored yet, we may introduce them as well.

Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively. – Sharon Salzberg

I am going to cap this training at twelve people to make sure we have enough time for everyone to ask questions and share their experiences. If you do not have a meditation practice, I ask that you attend the first session. If you have a regular meditation practice and are not able to take part in the first session, please contact me and we can decide together if it would be productive for you to join us after the first session.

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master

Here are some of the styles and methods we will explore over the three sessions of the meditation training. We may not get to practice all of them.

  • Breathing
  • Breath-watching
  • Mantra
  • Guided & Visualizations
  • Meditation through Movement
    1. Qi Gong
    1. Yoga
    1. Tai Ji
    1. Walking Meditation
    1. Dance
  • Sacred Text Contemplative Meditation
  • Contemplation & Reflection
  • Access Inner Wisdom
  • Relaxation & Body Scanning

The fee for this meditation training is $90 for all three session! If you are only able to take part in one session, the fee will be $40. My hope is that all of you will participate in all three session so you have time to practice between sessions and return with questions and your experiences, so you don’t feel like you have to figure this out all by yourself. The support and guidance of an experienced Meditation Teacher is incredibly valuable in creating a good foundation of meditation practice.

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master - Tech That Hahn

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me @ or 608-215-5675. To register, I invite you to scroll to the footer of the page to the Pay Pal button. During the Pay Pal process, include in the “note” section what training you are registering for. If you do not have a Pay Pal account, you can still register through Pay Pal as a guest.

Meditation Training in Rhode Island - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coaching Reiki Master

“The goal is not to be good at meditation. The goal is to be to be good at life, my life. Meditation is just a candle for the journey.”

Kindred Community Acupuncture is a beautiful and welcoming environment with comfy chairs and plenty of light! We are fortunate to be able to practice in such a peaceful space! If you prefer to sit on the floor on a cushion, I invite you to bring your own cushion. There will not be cushions available for our use.

Michael Swerdloff

Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki Master

Meditation Training - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Rumi - Change

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