Waka Poetry Part II

Wake Poetry - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
More Waka Poetry. Each is its own poem, not necessarily related to the others. "Waka translates simply to "Japanese poem," but for most of us with a passing acquaintance with Japanese poetry, we’re more likely to think of haiku as the true poetry of Japan. While it is true haiku was the predominant form of Japanese culture, and certainly most recognized by non-Japanese, waka inspired it. It was an art form, first begun in the 8th century CE, which continued in popularity through the modern era. ...

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Listening as An Art and Skill for Improving Relationships

Listening as An Art and Skill for Improving Relationships - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
There was a time when I used to be the guy who talked more than he listened, that may be still true, but the difference is that I listen today. I do not just hear your words when you speak; I actually listen to you. The difference may seem subtle on the surface; my experience demonstrates that the results are fairly profound. People enjoy being acknowledged and recognized, who doesn’t want the person they are communicating with to understand what they are saying? ...

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Is Life A Series of Important Events or Processes?

Is Life A Series of Important Events or Processes? - Providence Life Coach & Reiki Counseling
I was reflecting the other morning on how we tend to think of life as a series of important events that mold and shape our world. As I sat with this thought for a while, it occurred to me events are rarely events, they tend to be a process that has culminated with a defining experience; the “event” was just a larger experience in a longer, more defined process.

 What Is An Important Event?

Let’s begin this exploration looking at major life events like weddings, birth, death, divorce, graduation, retirement and birthdays, and see if we can discover where the process began and if it really was an actual event....

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Can Success and Sex Sell Mindfulness?

13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life | Psychology Today - Providence Holistic Counseling Services
I found this such an entertaining and well-written article; Can Success and Sex Sell Mindfulness? I hope you find it as riveting as I did.  I think she has raised some excellent questions for further reflection. The first thing that bothered me in the article was that I actually knew what the expression "side-boob" meant. I wish I didn't but I do, enough exposure to pop culture through Facebook and online research has me more mainstream slang-friendly than I would like. The other part that caught my attention was the author's surprise that mindfulness is being promoted through "success", I thought that was something common the last decade or so. My sense is that it is probably the most common vehicle for motivating and exposing mainstream people to mindfulness....

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Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

I remember when I used to have to look around for my keys, wallet and shoes when leaving the house daily. I used to take in the mail daily, put it on a table, the next day move it to the kitchen counter, the following day to my desk, then eventually open it. Then finally weeks later, I would pay the bill or reply to the inquiry. The mail was often touched five or six times before an action occurred to complete the process. Calendars were like a bible to me, since I never remembered what I was doing when, with whom or at what time.  There were countless return phone calls and messages cluttering my mind day and night. Clothes were rarely where they belong, in fact, they were typically anywhere but where they belonged. There were times it was hard to tell the clean from the dirty piles, there was so much. Clutter, of mind, home and life were constant obstacles to being present and focused in my day. I am grateful these things are rarities in my life today!...

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Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image

Voices of Female Celebrities on Body Image - Providence Life Coaching & Reiki Counseling
Over the last twenty-five years or so, my attention has been drawn to the issues and challenges of those with eating disorders and the possible sources of their existence in modern American culture.  I have experienced countless friends, colleagues and clients that have been in various stages of the disease and recovery of eating disorders.  We have learned a lot since then and we have a beer understanding of treatment, support and the probable cause of these issues. One would have been to be very naïve to not include female body image issues as a major cause and root of the widespread problem that hits many young women and adults. It is less common, but men are not exempt. I am focusing just on women for this particular discussion, specifically, female celebrities and their influence on young women and their body images....

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Providence Spiritual Life Coaching – Helping, Fixing or Serving?

Providence Holistic Counseling Services- Helping, Fixing or Serving?
I recently read an incredible article in Shambala Sun titled Helping, Fixing or Serving? by Rachel Naomi Remen. This article inspired an opportunity to reflect on the differences between helping, fixing, or serving. As a Providence Holistic Counselor, the distinctions are important and valuable in my work. During periods of my life when I received support from professionals in the Mental Health and Spiritual Communities, I was fortunate to be directed to people who clearly wanted my best interest first. This was clear in the way they interacted with and guided me. I somehow knew this, even from those I paid for their services. I think we can feel at a deeper level when we are served and when we are being helped or fixed by someone. ...

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