5 results for tag: Being Present

What Day Is It? – A.A. Milne

Why Learn How To Do Nothing?

Do Nothing. Just writing those two words feels freeing. I am so grateful that I have learned how to do nothing successfully for almost twenty-five years. I am not a bum or lazy, much to the contrary. I just do nothing at least once a day to support effectiveness and attention. I do nothing to stay present, or become present again after distraction or lack of focus seep in. I do nothing because it is important, maybe necessary to be the person I aspire....

A Social Experiment in First Impressions

I thought this was an interesting social experiment in first impressions. I do not think it proves anything but interesting still. It is fun watching the different responses people have as they interpret characteristics of people based on little more than first impressions. I think it would be fun to conduct a similar experiment with a variable that isn't part of a marketing campaign....

Look Up and Get Connected

It's getting harder and harder to look up and get connected. I am fully aware just how engaged I am in what happens online and my iPhone. Where are we going and what happens if we don't look up and get connected? This is not a critique of anybody's lifestyle because I am part of it, not above it or below it. ...

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

I remember when I used to have to look around for my keys, wallet and shoes when leaving the house daily. I used to take in the mail daily, put it on a table, the next day move it to the kitchen counter, the following day to my desk, then eventually open it. Then finally weeks later, I would pay the bill or reply to the inquiry. The mail was often touched five or six times before an action occurred to complete the process. Calendars were like a bible to me, since I never remembered what I was doing when, with whom or at what time.  There were countless return phone calls and messages cluttering my mind day and night. Clothes were rarely where they belong, in fact, they were typically anywhere but where they belonged. There were times it was hard to tell the clean from the dirty piles, there was so much. Clutter, of mind, home and life were constant obstacles to being present and focused in my day. I am grateful these things are rarities in my life today!...