7 results for tag: Self-Centeredness

The Marriage Lesson That I Learned Too Late

The Marriage Lesson That I Learned Too Late is a statement I have heard much too often. This is also true for people that are not married or even a couple. We may learn too late in relationships with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or anybody. In this case, "The Marriage Lesson" is a lesson for all relationships! The awareness that small things are significant in our relationships is valuable for us all. If someone repeatedly shares something that you are doing or not doing that brings up anger, pain, sadness, fear, betrayal, rejection, flooding, or any other strong emotion that creates distance, I encourage you to listen. This is especially ...

Rock Stars and Groupies: Narcissistic Co-Dependence in the Yoga Teacher-Student Relationship

Narcissistic co-dependence exists in many fields, not just the yoga teacher-student relationship. As the author mentions, narcissistic co-dependence is prevalent in the therapy and counseling community, it is a "thing" for sure. I can honestly say that I have experienced narcissistic co-dependence in relationships as both a student and a teacher through Reiki and other modalities of the spiritual community. Rock Stars and Groupies: Narcissistic Co-Dependence in the Yoga Teacher-Student Relationship - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - one does not become enlightened ...

The Difference Between Being Present and Self-Absorbed

It is easy to be confused about the difference between being present and self-absorbed. Current New Age, pop psychology and self-help literature make them appear to be the same. This is far from the truth. In my experience both personal and professional, there are several differences between being present and self-absorbed. The two that feel most significant are; 1) being present creates a spirit and mindset of service to others and 2) when we are present, we are aware of our inner experiences on many levels AND what is happening around us. When we are self-absorbed, the rest of the world takes a backseat to our own experiences and our own needs/wants/preferences.   The Difference Between Being Present and Self-Absorbed - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - illusion of separateness rich that hang ...

Bowing: An Energetic Transaction

On my first morning in South Korea in August of 2008, I entered a local “deli” to buy something quick to eat before my first day at work.  I arrived from the USA to my room around 1:00a.m. I did not get to sleep till nearly 3:30, with a wake-up time of 8:30a.m. The  “deli” is not what I would typically call a deli, as someone who grew-up outside of New York City, but do not know the correct name for it.  The woman prepares several kinds of kimchi, pickled vegetables and stews, hot and ready to go.  I did not know what I was thinking when I walked in the door of her small business. She bowed and said a formal greeting I know now as “Annyeong-haseyo” = "Hello".  Her bow is what stopped me in my tracks....

Stop Stalking and Start Talking – Stalking in Relationships

It is hard to know exactly what has created a culture of snooping and stalking in relationships, my gut tells me it has something to do with reality TV shows like The Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives.  These reality TV shows that center around narcissistic people who focus on gossip, competition and jealousy promote dishonesty and a lack of trust for the people we love in our lives. Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter help create an environment where honesty, authenticity and genuine connection are not core values....

Why You Don’t Need To Be Right All The Time

The need to be right can at times feel like a drug. Our culture often reinforces this need to be right all the time through the media, politics and our education system. But what if you found out the reasons why you don't need to be right all the time? Is knowing the potential consequences of needing to be right all the time enough to create space for letting the rest of the 7 billion people who you share the planet with also be right sometimes?...

A Social Experiment in First Impressions

I thought this was an interesting social experiment in first impressions. I do not think it proves anything but interesting still. It is fun watching the different responses people have as they interpret characteristics of people based on little more than first impressions. I think it would be fun to conduct a similar experiment with a variable that isn't part of a marketing campaign....