3 results for tag: Tao Te Ching

The Difference Between Being Present and Self-Absorbed

It is easy to be confused about the difference between being present and self-absorbed. Current New Age, pop psychology and self-help literature make them appear to be the same. This is far from the truth. In my experience both personal and professional, there are several differences between being present and self-absorbed. The two that feel most significant are; 1) being present creates a spirit and mindset of service to others and 2) when we are present, we are aware of our inner experiences on many levels AND what is happening around us. When we are self-absorbed, the rest of the world takes a backseat to our own experiences and our own needs/wants/preferences.   The Difference Between Being Present and Self-Absorbed - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - illusion of separateness rich that hang ...

Do Something Good For Someone Else, and Don’t Get Caught – Kindness

Kindness. Many years ago a friend looked me in the eye and said, "If you want humility, and you really need it, do something good for someone else and don't get caught". My immediate thought was to punch him in the mouth, fortunately, I chose to just shut up and be angry. Do something good for someone else and don't get caught. This phrase haunted me. I could not understand why you would want to do something good for somebody else and not get credit any for it. What was the point? What would I get out of it? How would they know I did it? The little I did not understand this spiritual truth. ...

The Art of Not Trying – Wu Wei

I think one of the greatest challenges in modern American life is learning and mastering the art of not trying. We are taught as children and adults that the more we do, the better person we will become. It does not matter if it is more work, more money, more alcohol, more sex, more vacations or more fun; we must do more.  We are a culture of doing, not being. Our value and status are often directly related to how much we do. And if we think about it, doing often is directly connected to how hard we try. If we try harder, we will do more, therefore, be a better person. When we scrape it all away, it is about doing and trying more and harder. The art of not trying is contrary to this cultural belief system....