3 results for tag: Compassion

Reflections on Compassion

"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It's a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." Pema Chödrön   "Compassion, however, is a renewable resource. When you are able to feel empathy but then extend a hand to alleviate someone’s pain, you are less likely to burn out. Research indicates that compassion and empathy use different regions of the brain and that compassion can combat empathetic distress. It is also important to remember that oftentimes, the smallest ...

Acknowledging Pain Is Highest Form of Support

Simply acknowledging someone else's pain or suffering is such a powerful means of support. It lets them know you are listening, you care and that they matter. When someone we know is suffering, we want to help. For many of us, our initial response is to offer them advice, guidance or "positive thoughts". Our intention is in the right place, although not nearly as effective as acknowledging their experience. If your goal is to provide help that facilitates a change, I invite you to consider acknowledging them before any other form of support.


Do Something Good For Someone Else, and Don’t Get Caught – Kindness

Kindness. Many years ago a friend looked me in the eye and said, "If you want humility, and you really need it, do something good for someone else and don't get caught". My immediate thought was to punch him in the mouth, fortunately, I chose to just shut up and be angry. Do something good for someone else and don't get caught. This phrase haunted me. I could not understand why you would want to do something good for somebody else and not get credit any for it. What was the point? What would I get out of it? How would they know I did it? The little I did not understand this spiritual truth. ...