2 results for tag: Technology

Two-Part Workshop: Surviving Technology – Creating Spiritual and Energetic Safety

Who thought surviving technology would be a cultural crisis? In the early days of this thing that we call the World Wide Web, I was deep into my most committed and intense period of mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic awareness and development. To be fully transparent, I couldn't do much outside of my work at the Urban League, meditation, Reiki, meals, and sleep. I remember booting up my first white MacBook. I would connect to the Internet, and minutes later, I would feel a tingling in my feet like they were asleep, agitation in my solar plexus and chest, fogginess and disorientation in my head, and the sensation of having pressure pushing ...

Look Up and Get Connected

It's getting harder and harder to look up and get connected. I am fully aware just how engaged I am in what happens online and my iPhone. Where are we going and what happens if we don't look up and get connected? This is not a critique of anybody's lifestyle because I am part of it, not above it or below it. ...