6 results for tag: Albert Einstein

How To Listen to Your Intuition

When you are trying to make an important decision, everyone you ask in some form or another will recommend, "Listen to your intuition". This is excellent advice, but often not helpful. If you knew how to listen to your intuition, would you be asking your friends and family advice in the first place? Probably not. I think it is pretty clear that most people will agree that if you listen to your intuition, the process of making decisions will become clearer, simpler and more successful. For most people, the challenge is not wanting to listen to your intuition, it is knowing how to effectively listen to your intuition. I invite you to join me as we explore different methods on how to listen to your intuition.   How To Listen to Your Intuition - Providence Life Caching and Reiki Counseling - Intuition mind gift Einstein   ...


Surrender. Is there a scarier or more freeing word than surrender? Surrender. I invite you to sit with this word and let it move around in your mind and belly. What does surrender bring up for you? Panic? Fear? Humiliation? Joy? Victory? Success? Freedom? Release?...

6 Relationship Tips for Empaths | elephant journal

Empaths get a bad rap in mainstream media. They are made fun of as if they are all quacks and hippies. For those gifted with the ability to sense and feel others' experiences and thoughts, empathizing can be lonely and isolating. You may receive little support or guidance on how to live in the world and be yourself. This was my experience in most of my early life, which included drug and alcohol abuse. This shifted when I found a Teacher who offered me guidance and support to hone my skills and prosper within our culture. I am so grateful for the training and direction our work together facilitated. I can now "do what I do" because of that relationship and what was created through it....


Doubt. Just writing the word stirs something inside me. I'm aware of feeling uncomfortable just seeing it, and since I'm using voice recognition software, saying it out loud. Doubt. Where does doubt come from? Are we taught doubt? Is doubt ingrained in our DNA? I wonder how much our life experiences influence the degree of doubt that expresses itself in our mind and body? ...

Providence Life Coach Career Success Series – Finding Your Life Purpose

For many people, finding your life purpose can be a challenging and frustrating experience. There was a time in my life when I did not know what I wanted to do professionally. I had met several times with a career counselor and did a full range of testing. After completing the tests, the career counselor and I went over the results together. ...

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

Benefits of Meditation: Being Present in Your Life

I remember when I used to have to look around for my keys, wallet and shoes when leaving the house daily. I used to take in the mail daily, put it on a table, the next day move it to the kitchen counter, the following day to my desk, then eventually open it. Then finally weeks later, I would pay the bill or reply to the inquiry. The mail was often touched five or six times before an action occurred to complete the process. Calendars were like a bible to me, since I never remembered what I was doing when, with whom or at what time.  There were countless return phone calls and messages cluttering my mind day and night. Clothes were rarely where they belong, in fact, they were typically anywhere but where they belonged. There were times it was hard to tell the clean from the dirty piles, there was so much. Clutter, of mind, home and life were constant obstacles to being present and focused in my day. I am grateful these things are rarities in my life today!...