6 results for tag: Patterns

Brought Back to Life By A Dance Class

What do we need to be brought back to life? We all get stuck from time to time. The "sparkplug" differs from person to person and depends on where we are in our lives and the circumstances we are experiencing.
"I don’t have a lot of wisdom to offer, but I do know that showing up was an act of self-care." Daphnée

How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs – The Icelandic Model

I become excited and inspired when I see concepts, ideas and methods that I use in my work validated by international scientists and authors. The two articles that I have included excerpts, both offer alternative ideas around the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. From my experience, combining these two perspectives is the core of my work with supporting and facilitating shifting patterns, behaviors, obsessions and addictions. I typically integrate these three principles/methods for shifting unwanted patterns and behaviors.
  1.  Exercises supporting the discovery and understanding of our patterns and thinking.
  2.  Explore what we feel connected to, or the lack of connection, to people, animals, friends, family and our environment. Create a plan to improve and expand our connections. (Read Johann Hari's views on addiction and connection at bottom of this post.).
  3. Brainstorm interests, passions and activities that we have either enjoyed in our past, present or would like to explore, including creative expressions,  physical activity, opportunities to connect with the natural world, or anything that inspires or stimulate us. We follow the brainstorming process by implementing some of these interests and activities into our life before or during launching into facilitating the shift in the unwanted behaviors. In short, let's find out what will inspire and stimulate you to replace the patterns, behaviors and addictions that are problematic. (This parallels the process Harvey Milkman researched in the U.S. and implemented in Iceland, discussed in the main article focusing on teens and addiction.)

Self-Sabotage – I Am Willing To Do Anything… But That

It is very common for clients whom I work with, when asked what are you willing to do to grow or improve your situation, to offer a very specific and inspiring response. "I am willing to do anything and everything to make things better!" A part of me gets really excited about their enthusiastic reply. My excitement and optimism still exist after 25 years of this kind of work, knowing that we are about to embark on the first stage of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage can, at times, be really obvious and others, very deceptive and tricky. I take a deep breath and ask them are you willing to do____? Their enthusiasm and conviction that were on full display just a moment earlier disappear. Some combination of resentment, bitterness, fear, and/or anger replaces the enthusiasm. Self-sabotage has now planted its roots and is ready to dig in to do anything and everything except for "that". Self-Sabotage - I Am Willing To Do Anything... But That - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counseling, Coaching and Reiki ...

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon. We often apologize assuming that people will appreciate our politeness and good manners. But in most cases, the other party is much more pleased to hear words of gratitude from you rather than an apology.Talented illustrator Yao Xiao, using everyday situations as inspiration, helps to explain why «thank you» is sometimes better than «I’m sorry» in this cartoon. We at Bright Side thought it really made sense, and just had to share it with you. Take a look.


Worst Yoga Teacher Ever

We all know creepy men (and women) in all walks of life. We know a select number of Priests that have molested children. We know there have been Gurus that have manipulated and taken advantage of young female students. We know there are male and female, therapists and counselors who have misused their power and connection to coerce clients into having sex with them. Of course, there are all the CEOs and politicians that can't seem to find enough ways to abuse their power. It should not surprise anyone that there are Yoga instructors who misuse and abuse the power they have for sex and exploit Yoga students should it?  Enter You Tube theatrical video Worst Yoga Teacher Ever.  Even with a warning, I flinched a few times during this short, satirical video.  Why would we think Yoga Teachers are exempt from foul play?...

Listening as An Art and Skill for Improving Relationships

There was a time when I used to be the guy who talked more than he listened, that may be still true, but the difference is that I listen today. I do not just hear your words when you speak; I actually listen to you. The difference may seem subtle on the surface; my experience demonstrates that the results are fairly profound. People enjoy being acknowledged and recognized, who doesn’t want the person they are communicating with to understand what they are saying? ...