4 results for tag: Hatha Yoga

What is The Difference Between Freedom and Lack of Self-Discipline?

Identifying the difference between freedom and lack of self-discipline is an essential teaching on our journey as spiritual beings.Thich Nhat Hanh offers us perspective to help those struggling with this important concern for anyone with or wanting to have a spiritual practice, whether it is meditation, Hatha Yoga, Tai Qi, Qi Gong or any other regular spiritual practice....

Worst Yoga Teacher Ever

We all know creepy men (and women) in all walks of life. We know a select number of Priests that have molested children. We know there have been Gurus that have manipulated and taken advantage of young female students. We know there are male and female, therapists and counselors who have misused their power and connection to coerce clients into having sex with them. Of course, there are all the CEOs and politicians that can't seem to find enough ways to abuse their power. It should not surprise anyone that there are Yoga instructors who misuse and abuse the power they have for sex and exploit Yoga students should it?  Enter You Tube theatrical video Worst Yoga Teacher Ever.  Even with a warning, I flinched a few times during this short, satirical video.  Why would we think Yoga Teachers are exempt from foul play?...

Sports, Yoga and Meditation Together

It has been a growing relationship for the last decade or so; sports, Yoga and Meditation together as a means of success. The number of professional athletes beginning meditation expands nearly daily, and we are not talking about just the "finesse players" these are hardcore athletes who win and perform at an incredibly high level consistently during high stakes situations. I have played sports all my  life, and found that after I began to meditate in 1990 or so, my focus, attention and endurance increased dramatically. I am not alone, not did I create this concept. ...

Do We Have To Make Meditation Entertaining?

I have to admit, when I first saw the headline, David Romanelli sets out to make meditation entertaining, I cringed. I really did. The last few years has challenged me, observing many of our Sacred and Venerable rituals and practices become watered-down and made cute or sexy by Mother Culture. My immediate thought was simple, "Oh no, not meditation, please do not do this to meditation." This phenomenon has manifested with Reiki, Hatha Yoga, Qi Gong, Acupuncture and many other traditional healing practices. Isn't it enough that almost every image of meditation has a very thin, white female with perfect hair and skin with no pores? Please not meditation....