2 results for tag: Mark Twain

11 Reasons Why You Should Never Hide How Weird You Are

As a child, and even more so as a teenager, I was taught in all situations no matter what is happening; you must hide how weird you are. I repeat, you must hide how weird you are! This mindset was supported by the majority of people in my life including school and family, and to a lesser extent, peers.   11 Reasons Why You Should Never Hide How Weird You Are -Providence Holistic Counseling Services - as-soon-as-i-saw-you-i-knew-an-adventure-was-about-to-happen-winnie-the-pooh-quotes ...

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling | Wake Up World

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Have you questioned your life purpose? Do you know your Calling? If these are questions that you have tried to answer, I encourage you to read the following article 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling by Lissa Rankin MD.  Knowing your calling or life purpose is incredibly valuable in honoring the commitments you made when you came into this life. People throw around terms like "life purpose", "calling" and "destiny" like they are casual, mundane details. Anyone who has been directed towards their life purpose or calling is fully aware just how powerful and solidifying this knowledge is to our existence.  

10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling - ProvidenceHolistic Counseling Services -meaning of life purpose Picasso
