50 results for tag: Providence Relationship Coach

Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman

Many years ago I had given as a gift the book by Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman to a friend. I remember the first time she read it and watching her face light-up as if she had just been touched by an angel, maybe she was in a sense. I have always been a fan of Maya Angelou. I flinched this morning when I read that she had passed. Although we had never met, I felt like I lost an old friend. Amazing and phenomenal people have that effect on those that have heard or read their words. Along with being an amazing writer, Maya Angelou had as beautiful a speaking voice as I can remember hearing....

Look Up and Get Connected

It's getting harder and harder to look up and get connected. I am fully aware just how engaged I am in what happens online and my iPhone. Where are we going and what happens if we don't look up and get connected? This is not a critique of anybody's lifestyle because I am part of it, not above it or below it. ...

Portraits of Reconciliation – Forgiveness in Action

As a generally sensitive and caring person, I feel something when I read about human suffering or accomplishments. I am riveted by our species and experiences. I am rarely moved to the extent that Portraits of Reconciliation from The New York Times has moved me through acts of forgiveness in action. The images and descriptions are profound, providing vivid insight to the experiences of genocide from the lens of perpetrator and survivor in a way us Americans cannot fathom. We were all shaken in different degrees by 9/11, but this is completely different, another plane of existence. ...

17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex

It is common knowledge that young girls experience incredible pressure pushing them towards and pulling them away from sex. As if girls do not have a choice or their own vote on their sexuality. In reading 17 lies we need to stop teaching girls about sex by Julianne Ross, I am reminded of just how many ways young girls are influenced and pressured to meet the needs of others, whether that be their father, mother, friends, clergy or boyfriends. It's time we collectively begin teaching girls the truth about sex and their own sexuality. The lies we teach them are not productive, nor in their best interests. ...

Before We Fall In Love

I am so grateful I keep finding amazing and interesting articles to read and share. Before We Fall In Love from Elephant Journal, is a beautiful, engaging and creative essay on falling in love for real people, not like the movies and TV. Kristin Monk the author, shares her version of what is necessary and important, before we fall in love. ...

Providence Life Coach Dating Success Series – Conscious Coupling

Conscious coupling seems to be getting a lot of press these days, celebrities tend to make this sort of thing happen - Madonna at The Kabbalah Centre and Julia Roberts with Hindu are examples of when they speak openly about religion or spirituality. I am not sure why this happens, but it does. I have never seen celebrities as people I wanted to be like, at least not those in the entertainment industry. Growing-up, there were many athletes that gave their time to worthy causes that I looked-up to for that reason int e 60's and 70's. I have never felt drawn to the fact that "so and so" said something, means it is something important or of value. Although it does seem that Richard Gere My Journey with Buddhism has really committed to the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism without making it feel like a publicity stunt. I happened to be participating in the Kalachakra with The Dalai Llama back in 2000 with Richard Gere and other famous people present for the ten days of spiritual training. They all kept a low profile with no autographs or photos, just like everyone else receiving the training....

What’s The Point?

What’s The Point? I was meeting with a young couple the other day that is working through a pretty difficult stretch in their relationship. Amongst the various struggles, the one that was the loudest for me during and after our session was their collective sense of “What’s the point?” I think all of us as individuals, couples families and as a society have on some level experienced the question “What’s the point?”...