3 results for tag: Sexy

Sexy Weakness – The Sexual Power of Emotional Vulnerability

Sexy weakness? What on earth is that? As a man, like millions of others men, I was taught that being vulnerable was bad and a sign of being weak. I was taught women want a man that is strong, stable and "tough" whatever the heck that means. I was taught that you keep your emotions in check and never let anyone see who you really are. Like never. It has taken me decades to unlearn some of this programing. Parts of it were easy and simple to leave behind , other elements took longer and needed more attention and intention. More importantly, women did not feel safe around me, because I didn't feel safe around me or my thoughts. I typically attracted ...

13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life

I do not typically post content from Psychology Today, but thought this was simple and helpful: 13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life.
  13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life | Psychology Today - Providence Holistic Counseling Services - Discipline of Fun
  Want to be happy, healthy and have great relationships? Sure, we all do! And we’ve heard a million times about the obvious ways to take care of ourselves: exercise, diet etc. But there’s one simple exercise that boosts all of these things simultaneously and that most of us simply don’t know. What’s that? Being thankful. Sound too simplistic to you? Not so fast! Check out 13 of its stellar science-backed benefits.

Drop Dead Gorgeous Syndrome – Curse, Blessing or Both?

As a teenage boy, I was completely convinced every "pretty girl" had the perfect life. All they had to do was smile. I was not an attractive teen and felt cheated by life. Little did I know about this thing called the Drop Dead Gorgeous Syndrome. The drop dead gorgeous syndrome is when a super attractive women loses herself and becomes addicted to and enslaved by her physical appearance. Her identity is dependent on what we think of the way she looks at any given time, not her achievements, intelligence, character, talents or sense of Self. I will not lie, I hated drop dead gorgeous girls when I was younger. It is an embarrassing admission but real. I was jealous, and felt like I had no chance to ever be with one of the "pretty girls" and this made me feel less masculine. Fortunately, I do not feel this way today. The following experience is based on a real event that happened many years ago. I have altered some facts to hide the identity of the woman involved out of respect for her and her privacy....