1 result for tag: Confucious

A Sober and Healthy Life

I remember in the late 80s and early 90s when AA, NA and all of the 12 step programs first began to gain mainstream popularity and support. At the time, there was almost a sense of hysteria about alcoholics and addicts finding a "new" method to create a sober and healthy life. In a matter of just a few years there were registered 164 different 12-step programs based on the structure and foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon after that the very popular book Codependent No More by Melody Beattie became a bestseller and it seemed as if everybody was claiming they were now a codependent or somebody in their life was a codependent. Codependency was all the rage. It is funny to think that pretty much everybody was claiming somebody or themselves to be either an alcoholic, addict or codependent, as if these were goals to achieve in life. ...