33 results for tag: Conscious Relationships

When Trauma Blocking Gets in the Way

Arguments About $ Aren’t About Money

Arguments. The first time I meet a new couple that I am working with, I ask them to each share why they are here today. Almost without exception, they each launch into a one-sided description of a recent argument, telling it solely from their perspective. In their minds, they are seeking relationship counseling because of an argument or arguments. I ask a few more questions to get a greater understanding of their current challenges. Most of the time, they continue to refer back to the argument or arguments previously mentioned. I will follow that up with a question similar to this, "So if I am hearing you correctly, you are here because of an argument or arguments, not due to a lack of trust, connection, respect, communication, commitment, safety, and/or intimacy?". Arguments About $ Aren't About Money - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach & Reiki ...

Relationship Recommendations During Covid-19

We all need relationship recommendations from time to time. In this current pandemic, there are intense pressures on relationships for couples who are trying to figure out how to get along and thrive during Covid-19 or just survive in some cases. Most couples have never had to experience such a high degree of proximity for an extended amount of time, as we need to manage right now. Add in the economic stress and fear of physical safety, and it is no surprise that more couples are reaching out for support and guidance than at any other time in history. Please remind yourself and each other that this is temporary; you need each other, and you really do love each other, even if none of the above feels true at this moment. I encourage you to trust your history and that you have endured difficult challenges before and are still together. And most of all, PLEASE BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR PARTNER! This is an incredibly stressful time in every one of our lives. We need to feel safe while navigating this unique global situation. Trust your love, connection, and your foundation as your guides and collective resources. Please be gentle with each other and yourself. Ask for help if you need it. Relationship Recommendations During Covid-19 - ProvidenceHolistic Counseling, Coaching and Reiki - Michael Swerdloff ...

Conflict Resolution Workshop – Individuals & Couples!

I am thrilled to be offering a two-session Conflict Resolution Workshop at One Sixteen Calverly in Providence, Rhode Island! The two dates are February 9th and 23rd, from 2:30 – 4:30. I have scheduled the dates two weeks apart so that all participants have time to practice their new skills in the real world and return to share experiences, challenges, and questions. If the group wants to continue for a third session, we can schedule it together.
Everyone is welcome to participate in this training, whether you are joining us by yourself, a friend, family member or partner, you are welcome to join us. ...

Hormones In Relationships – Are You a ‘Testosterone’ or a ‘Dopamine?’

We are all affected by hormones in relationships. I am fascinated by this work and its potential in understanding relationship choices and exploring the impact of hormones on relationships. How does this influence our compatibility or lack thereof? I appreciate there are four distinct profile types, dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen, in no particular order. The fact that they move beyond the limitations of the two profile types of estrogen and testosterone feels more honest and accurate than defining folks by just the two hormones and dismissing the effects of dopamine and serotonin. Hormones in relationships are a real thing, ...

Mindful Sex – A Solution To Unhappy Sex Lives

Mindful Sex. The words even sound funny together. Sex, by its nature, is mindful enough, in theory. Why do we need mindful sex, and what is mindful sex? It is easy to decide, "This is the thing I need to do to fix my relationships and sex life". This is not one of those kinds of solutions, assuming such a thing exists. Mindful sex can be a gateway towards a more fulfilling and intimate experience of making love and intimacy. Mindful sex does not replace destructive, unfulfilling old habits or patterns. Mindful sex helps create new ones and revitalize those that were once joyful and alive! We still have to do our work. Mindfulness and being present have become serious buzzwords in recent years. For those of us who have practiced these skills and arts for decades, it can sometimes feel like they are the latest in a long line of techniques in "microwave recovery" for whatever ails us. Here is the fascinating part: it's true and has been for thousands of years! The packaging and terminology have changed, but meditation, breathing, paying attention, and being where we are right now are the foundations of most major psychological, religious, and spiritual traditions. Ironically, people often label them as New Age practices, when in reality, they are older than "traditional" methods that people are finding are not as effective for us in today's world. Mindful sex is an extension of these practices. Again, there is nothing "new" to mindful sex. We have just given it a fancy, trendy name. It is like what we used to call tropical rainforests "jungles". There was minimal interest in preserving jungles, but tropical rainforests create an image that people want to support. We can think of mindful sex as undistracted sex while fully immersed in the experience. Who doesn't want deep, meaningful sexual and intimate experiences? Mindful Sex - A Solution To Unhappy Sex Lives - Providence Holistic Counseling Services ...

Tantra Is NOT Love – Tantra And Sacred Sex

This is a beautifully written essay on Tantra. I have some experience with Tantra, but I am certainly not a teacher or expert. I have struggled with some Tantra practitioners assuming Tantra and Sacred Love are the same. This has not felt true to me. This heartfelt dive into the essence of Tantra, Sacred Sex, and Tantra is what I have experienced without having the correct words or mastery to express it accurately.

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