39 results for tag: Marriage Counseling

25 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Saying a Word

I thought 25 Ways to Say "I Love You" Without Saying a Word might be helpful to those wondering what works and what doesn't from the perspective of a couples counselor. I have not edit or reorder the list. I left 25 Ways to Say "I Love You" Without Saying a Word | Winifred M. Reilly the way it was originally written....

Keep Your Promises: Your Kids Rely On It

If you have never read the blog Almighty Dad, I invite you to do so. Keith is a thoughtful and dedicated parent who shares his experiences, successes and challenges.  When I first read his post, Keep Your Promises Your: Kids Rely On It, I felt a pinch in my belly. Who has not experienced being let down on a promise by your parents as a child or making a promise to a child and not fulfilling it? The expression on a child's face when you don't keep your promises is downright painful to see! Is there a greater disappointment for a child than when you do not keep your promises?...


Doubt. Just writing the word stirs something inside me. I'm aware of feeling uncomfortable just seeing it, and since I'm using voice recognition software, saying it out loud. Doubt. Where does doubt come from? Are we taught doubt? Is doubt ingrained in our DNA? I wonder how much our life experiences influence the degree of doubt that expresses itself in our mind and body? ...

Things Your Couples Counselor Already Knows About Your Relationship

We all know every relationship is unique. We also know that most relationships have many similar characteristics. As a Relationship Coach and Couples Counselor, I smiled when I read 6 Things Your Couples Therapist Already Knows About Your Relationship by  on Huffington Post. Truly, there are things your couples counselor already knows about your relationship, I included an excerpt and their list from the original article, but you will need to read the article for Abby Rodman's particular take on couples counseling.  I would also like to add to the list, The Relationship Blame Game.


The Relationship Blame Game

Couples counseling can be a window into ways couples communicate in relationships. I have noticed lately how many couples play the relationship blame game. The relationship blame game is when both people in the relationship name all the problems that have caused conflict, stress, pressure, distance or any other relationship challenges, are due to their partner, not themselves. This is what I call the relationship blame game....

Stop Stalking and Start Talking – Stalking in Relationships

It is hard to know exactly what has created a culture of snooping and stalking in relationships, my gut tells me it has something to do with reality TV shows like The Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives.  These reality TV shows that center around narcissistic people who focus on gossip, competition and jealousy promote dishonesty and a lack of trust for the people we love in our lives. Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter help create an environment where honesty, authenticity and genuine connection are not core values....

Why You Don’t Need To Be Right All The Time

The need to be right can at times feel like a drug. Our culture often reinforces this need to be right all the time through the media, politics and our education system. But what if you found out the reasons why you don't need to be right all the time? Is knowing the potential consequences of needing to be right all the time enough to create space for letting the rest of the 7 billion people who you share the planet with also be right sometimes?...