32 results for tag: Providence Life Coaching

Men That Try Too Hard

Men get a bad rap. If the only thing you knew about men in America came from watching TV, movies and listening to music, you would think all of us are angry, violent, lazy men hanging out on the couch watching sports and playing video games all day. It is absolutely true that a chunk of the American male population fits this description, but not all of us.  Generally speaking, men that try too hard are rarely in the news or make headlines, we are doing what we do with humility and anonymity....

Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman

Many years ago I had given as a gift the book by Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman to a friend. I remember the first time she read it and watching her face light-up as if she had just been touched by an angel, maybe she was in a sense. I have always been a fan of Maya Angelou. I flinched this morning when I read that she had passed. Although we had never met, I felt like I lost an old friend. Amazing and phenomenal people have that effect on those that have heard or read their words. Along with being an amazing writer, Maya Angelou had as beautiful a speaking voice as I can remember hearing....

Portraits of Reconciliation – Forgiveness in Action

As a generally sensitive and caring person, I feel something when I read about human suffering or accomplishments. I am riveted by our species and experiences. I am rarely moved to the extent that Portraits of Reconciliation from The New York Times has moved me through acts of forgiveness in action. The images and descriptions are profound, providing vivid insight to the experiences of genocide from the lens of perpetrator and survivor in a way us Americans cannot fathom. We were all shaken in different degrees by 9/11, but this is completely different, another plane of existence. ...

Providence Life Coach Life Lessons Featured on Good Enough Mother!

Today I am being featured on Rene Syler's Good Enough Mother! The interview is being posted in Life Lessons with Michael Swerdloff. It was fun and interesting answering the creative questions from Jackie Gailey. I invite you to read the entire interview at Providence Life Coach Life Lessons, if you have not already....

Overcoming Fear is Not as Easy as a Bumper Sticker Slogan

I bumped into this article today by accident Overcoming Fear is Not as Easy as a Bumper Sticker Slogan. I am very grateful for this and many accidents I make that guide me to where I need to be, not always where I want to be. Overcoming fear can be paralyzing to some people in certain circumstances. Fear is the four letter word that begins with "F" that can feel like a much dirtier word than its profane counterpart F**K. I remember hearing something annoying, cute and comforting many years ago, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. ...

What’s The Point?

What’s The Point? I was meeting with a young couple the other day that is working through a pretty difficult stretch in their relationship. Amongst the various struggles, the one that was the loudest for me during and after our session was their collective sense of “What’s the point?” I think all of us as individuals, couples families and as a society have on some level experienced the question “What’s the point?”...

Can Watching Football Teach Me About Recovery?

There is an addiction treatment method for recovering alcoholics and addicts called Recovery Dynamics. It was created by a practical, wise old alcoholic, with some of the best professionals in the field of recovery. Recovery Dynamics uses the Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous as a modality for treatment, not just as an afterthought. There are many excellent exercises in the manual; this is one of my favorites for working with groups of addicts and alcoholics....