34 results for tag: Reiki Counseling

25 Signs You’re Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It)

Whenever I see posts like "3 easy ___" or 25 Signs You're ______", I am skeptical at best. Life rarely fits into neat little lists that are supposed to let you know anything about yourself that is productive or of substance. I do appreciate those who take the time to catalog information easily digestible. This is where the post titled, "25 Signs You're Succeeding At Life (Even If It Doesn't Feel Like It)" by Shannon Kaiser feels like it might at least point in the direction of what succeeding at life may feel like for a significant group of people. Not all listed apply to all of us, but I think there is value in reflecting on this particular list to see where you are seeing progress and where to focus more energy and attention. ...

Providence Reiki Treatment Parody

Last fall there was a parody of a Miley Cyrus song, "Wrecking Ball", that was making its rounds through social media titled "Reiki Me". I know many members of the Reiki community were very offended by this video, I was not one of them. As far as I know, musical parodies are supposed to make fun of things and not be taken seriously. This funny video that is nothing like what a Traditional Usui Reiki Master would practice is hysterical.I am sure that you will enjoy the Providence Reiki Treatment Parody....

First Degree Reiki Training in Providence – April 12-13

  I am very excited to be offering another First Degree Reiki Training in Providence. This training will be taking place April 12-13 from 12:00-5:00. No experience is necessary, only willingness and commitment. Please contact me directly for more details including location, either leave a comment or send me an email michael.swerdloff@gmail.com.   The fee for this Reiki Training in Providence is $125 total for the two-day training. If you cannot afford the fee, please contact my privately. More about Reiki and Reiki Training   Michael Swerdloff Providence Life Coaching and Reiki Counseling

Worst Yoga Teacher Ever

We all know creepy men (and women) in all walks of life. We know a select number of Priests that have molested children. We know there have been Gurus that have manipulated and taken advantage of young female students. We know there are male and female, therapists and counselors who have misused their power and connection to coerce clients into having sex with them. Of course, there are all the CEOs and politicians that can't seem to find enough ways to abuse their power. It should not surprise anyone that there are Yoga instructors who misuse and abuse the power they have for sex and exploit Yoga students should it?  Enter You Tube theatrical video Worst Yoga Teacher Ever.  Even with a warning, I flinched a few times during this short, satirical video.  Why would we think Yoga Teachers are exempt from foul play?...

I Am Not a Healer

It’s now been forty minutes in an altered brain rhythm, slipping from below ordinary consciousness, even below psychic, all the way down to spiritual healing.  It is a state where words, thoughts and actions are not completely ruled by the ego.  The shadow has quieted enough to allow the True Self to speak and be present.  The answers are usually simple, a word, a phrase or maybe even just a syllable. In this case, very simple: “Yes”.  This is my life as a Reiki Practitioner.


Waka Poetry Part II

More Waka Poetry. Each is its own poem, not necessarily related to the others. "Waka translates simply to "Japanese poem," but for most of us with a passing acquaintance with Japanese poetry, we’re more likely to think of haiku as the true poetry of Japan. While it is true haiku was the predominant form of Japanese culture, and certainly most recognized by non-Japanese, waka inspired it. It was an art form, first begun in the 8th century CE, which continued in popularity through the modern era. ...

Listening as An Art and Skill for Improving Relationships

There was a time when I used to be the guy who talked more than he listened, that may be still true, but the difference is that I listen today. I do not just hear your words when you speak; I actually listen to you. The difference may seem subtle on the surface; my experience demonstrates that the results are fairly profound. People enjoy being acknowledged and recognized, who doesn’t want the person they are communicating with to understand what they are saying? ...