15 results for tag: Sex and Dating

Sexy Weakness – The Sexual Power of Emotional Vulnerability

Sexy weakness? What on earth is that? As a man, like millions of others men, I was taught that being vulnerable was bad and a sign of being weak. I was taught women want a man that is strong, stable and "tough" whatever the heck that means. I was taught that you keep your emotions in check and never let anyone see who you really are. Like never. It has taken me decades to unlearn some of this programing. Parts of it were easy and simple to leave behind , other elements took longer and needed more attention and intention. More importantly, women did not feel safe around me, because I didn't feel safe around me or my thoughts. I typically attracted ...

Hormones In Relationships – Are You a ‘Testosterone’ or a ‘Dopamine?’

We are all effected by hormones in relationships. I am fascinated by this work and its potential in understanding relationship choices exploring the impact of hormones in relationships. How does this influence our compatibility, or lack there of? I appreciate there are four distinct profile types; dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and estrogen, in no particular order. The fact that they move beyond the limitations of the two profile types of estrogen and testosterone feels more honest and accurate than defining folks by just the two hormones, and dismissing the effects of dopamine and serotonin. Hormones in relationships are a real thing and ...

Tantra Is NOT Love – Tantra And Sacred Sex

This is a beautifully written essay on Tantra.  I have some experience with Tantra but certainly not a teacher or expert. I have struggled with some Tantra practitioners assuming Tantra, and Sacred Love are the same. This has not felt true to me. This heartfelt dive into the essence of Sacred Love, Sacred Sex, and Tantra is what I have experienced without having the correct words or mastery to express it accurately.

The Misunderstood Science of Sexual Desire – The Cut

Providence Dating Success Series – How We Date Now

If this is how we date now, dating has changed. Everything has changed, so why not dating as well? I was reading the following article This Is How We Date Now and found it stimulating and disturbing. I do not have direct experience with this form of dating world. My relationships, past and present, are not on display on Facebook, twitter or anywhere else. Even before the Internet, I have never been one desiring to create happy, shining photographs posing with fake smiles. The fact that I have never felt moved to do so, does not mean I do not understand the need to document life as positive and happy. My denial expresses itself differently....

The Number One Reason Most Relationships Struggle

The number one reason most relationships struggle is not lying, cheating, arguing, money, sex, child care or even division of labor. The number one reason most relationships struggle is communication. I know that sounds simple but many couples avoid the important conversations for fear of how their partner will react. Many people struggle with listening, not just so they can give a good reply, listening to actually hear what their partner is saying. ...

Providence Dating Coach Success Series – Changing Dishonest Dating Culture

Isn't it time for changing dishonest dating culture? Have we had enough of men and women pretending to be something they're not when dating a new potential partner? Why are honesty and dating concepts that rarely intersect? Does anybody really enjoy finding out eight months later the person they are dating has nothing to do with the person they first met?  Why are we so afraid to show others who we really are? Is it because many of us do not know that answer to the question, Who Am I?  What would be your experience with dating if you could just be yourself? What if dating first impressions were an accurate representation of ourselves?...

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