3 results for tag: Modern Dating

What Porcupines Can Teach Us About Making Love

How do we learn about making love? A book, our parents, porn, movies, TV, social media? How about porcupines? This is a hilarious and insightful video and article about relationships, sex, and making love. I will not add anything; please enjoy the video and reflection on making love....

Do I Need to Heal Before Dating Again?

Do I need to heal before dating again? When is the right time to start dating again after a relationship? And, is the answer different if one is deciding whether they are ready to date or whether they are ready to get into a relationship again?  These are not simple questions to answer, nor are they the same for each one of us. For me, there are five essential questions to answer before dating again. ...

Providence Dating Success Series – How We Date Now

If this is how we date now, dating has changed. Everything has changed, so why not dating as well? I was reading the following article This Is How We Date Now and found it stimulating and disturbing. I do not have direct experience with this form of dating world. My relationships, past and present, are not on display on Facebook, twitter or anywhere else. Even before the Internet, I have never been one desiring to create happy, shining photographs posing with fake smiles. The fact that I have never felt moved to do so, does not mean I do not understand the need to document life as positive and happy. My denial expresses itself differently....