3 results for tag: Casual Sex

What Porcupines Can Teach Us About Making Love

How do we learn about making love? A book, our parents, porn, movies, TV, social media? How about porcupines? This is a hilarious and insightful video and article about relationships, sex, and making love. I will not add anything; please enjoy the video and reflection on making love....

Honest Sex – An Updated Definition of Sex

Honest Sex. It is time for an updated, honest definition of sex. It is not 1958, and we are not the people we were then culturally. We want honest sex that meets the needs of all of us, not just a few. We look different, dress differently, connect differently, and act differently; we meet our dates and partners differently. Why would we not want to update our definition of sex? Let's explore this article on Honest Sex by Shana James from The Gottman Institute....

What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? A Beginners Guide

What is ethical non-monogamy or consensual non-monogamy, and what is not ethical non-monogamy? Ethical non-monogamy is when a couple mutually decides adding other lovers, or romantic or sexual partners to their existing relationship. I want to be clear, ethical non-monogamy is NOT having an affair or one night stand(s) without having your partner's consent and support IN ADVANCE. Since the author of the article below explores what ethical non-monogamy is, I will primarily focus on what it is not. Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) Is Not: Being attracted to someone else and pressuring or manipulating your partner into you being with someone else ...