What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? A Beginners Guide

What is ethical non-monogamy or consensual non-monogamy, and what is not ethical non-monogamy? Ethical non-monogamy is when a couple mutually decides adding other lovers, or romantic or sexual partners to their existing relationship. I want to be clear, ethical non-monogamy is NOT having an affair or one night stand(s) without having your partner’s consent and support IN ADVANCE.

Since the author of the article below explores what ethical non-monogamy is, I will primarily focus on what it is not.

Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) Is Not:

Being attracted to someone else and pressuring or manipulating your partner into you being with someone else for your personal desires.

Convincing you partner that your romantic and sexual life will improve if you are wanting other people to play with.

Lying, cheating or hiding your attraction or choices from your partner before you make your choices.

A method of proving to your partner that they are the problem or obstacle to healthier and more pleasurable sex/romance.

A system to increase the frequency of sex.

A form of punishment or revenge against your partner.

A calculated decision to show your partner you are desirable and attractive to other people.

An indirect way of hurting or causing emotional or mental pain to your partner.

Making yourself feel better about cheating on your partner, and wanting to still be with the person you cheated with. Your partner will probably not be able to trust your intentions after having the trust and respect damaged so deeply.

What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? A Beginners Guide -Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor Coach and Reiki

Basic Principles of Ethical Non-Monogamy For Couples New to ENM

  1. Never decide to add new people to your relationship when things are challenging or struggling.
  2. There must be deep trust and respect for each other, and the relationship, before having this conversation.
  3. ENM can be a healthy, balanced and loving relationship structure for many couples.
  4. Couples must be open to repairing and altering their current relationship first to see if that is the source of the interest in opening the relationship to include other people.
  5.  In addition to deep trust and respect, radical honesty is essential.
  6. Both partners must ENTHUSIASTICALLY support the choice(s), enthusiastic consent is 100% necessary.
  7. The conversations happen far in advance of either person choosing to be with someone else, like several months in advance.
  8. Tenderness and respect for your partner’s fears, concerns and struggles to be vulnerable and open supports clear communication and trust.
  9. Did I mention the relationship must be stable and healthy with deep trust and respect for each other?

Ethical non-monogamy is not for everyone. I encourage you to be honest with yourself, and you partner. Exploring new relationship structures and boundaries can be scary, and can create fear, jealousy and distrust. Move slowly and have regular conversations about your choices and desires.

Mental and emotional safety cannot be overemphasized!

What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? Types, Reasons & How to Practice

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