3 results for tag: The Good Man Project

You Look Weird Dancing Like That

I'm this guy. I am the weird guy on the dance floor, at Yoga class and the beach. I swim and play in the waves like a twelve year old. I am (mostly) comfortable in my skin and with people thinking I am weird.  I am aware that most people do not have that experience when people think or say they are weird. Many people feel like being "weird" is a criticism, insult or putdown, certainly not a compliment. I understand that when someone tells you they think you are weird, it may create doubt or as sense of not belonging or being "normal". It was not always like this for me. I was actually a DJ for decades in clubs and events that wouldn't dance because ...

The Real Reason Women Leave Men – Trust and Safety

I am not a fan of clickbait headlines. I saw this today on The Good Man Project, and that was enough for me to read it and see if there was substance to the sensationalistic tagline. There is definitely content here worth the time to explore why women leave men. Of course, relationships can be very complicated, and the reason Matthew Fray offers is simplistic but valid and credible. I encourage you to invest the time to read his post on why women leave men. The Real Reason Women Leave Men - Trust and Safety - Michael Swerdloff - Providence Holistic Counselor, Coach and Reiki   ...

7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women

I have followed and read The Good Men Project for years. I find their commitment is very helpful in shaping how as a culture how move forward towards equality and raising amazing boys and girls. I wanted to share with you 7 Double Standards That Hurt Men and Women. The double standards it highlights illustrate how we can create negative impressions of men and women without even noticing. These stereotype hurt all of us. I am curious of the seven double standards they explore, which is the one that you find the most glaring? Men who live life differently often run into these tough double standards. American culture is rife with bias against ...