13 results for tag: listening skills

25 Ways to Say “I Love You” Without Saying a Word

I thought 25 Ways to Say "I Love You" Without Saying a Word might be helpful to those wondering what works and what doesn't from the perspective of a couples counselor. I have not edit or reorder the list. I left 25 Ways to Say "I Love You" Without Saying a Word | Winifred M. Reilly the way it was originally written....

The Number One Reason Most Relationships Struggle

The number one reason most relationships struggle is not lying, cheating, arguing, money, sex, child care or even division of labor. The number one reason most relationships struggle is communication. I know that sounds simple but many couples avoid the important conversations for fear of how their partner will react. Many people struggle with listening, not just so they can give a good reply, listening to actually hear what their partner is saying. ...

Things Your Couples Counselor Already Knows About Your Relationship

We all know every relationship is unique. We also know that most relationships have many similar characteristics. As a Relationship Coach and Couples Counselor, I smiled when I read 6 Things Your Couples Therapist Already Knows About Your Relationship by  on Huffington Post. Truly, there are things your couples counselor already knows about your relationship, I included an excerpt and their list from the original article, but you will need to read the article for Abby Rodman's particular take on couples counseling.  I would also like to add to the list, The Relationship Blame Game.


Look Up and Get Connected

It's getting harder and harder to look up and get connected. I am fully aware just how engaged I am in what happens online and my iPhone. Where are we going and what happens if we don't look up and get connected? This is not a critique of anybody's lifestyle because I am part of it, not above it or below it. ...

Worst Yoga Teacher Ever

We all know creepy men (and women) in all walks of life. We know a select number of Priests that have molested children. We know there have been Gurus that have manipulated and taken advantage of young female students. We know there are male and female, therapists and counselors who have misused their power and connection to coerce clients into having sex with them. Of course, there are all the CEOs and politicians that can't seem to find enough ways to abuse their power. It should not surprise anyone that there are Yoga instructors who misuse and abuse the power they have for sex and exploit Yoga students should it?  Enter You Tube theatrical video Worst Yoga Teacher Ever.  Even with a warning, I flinched a few times during this short, satirical video.  Why would we think Yoga Teachers are exempt from foul play?...

Listening as An Art and Skill for Improving Relationships

There was a time when I used to be the guy who talked more than he listened, that may be still true, but the difference is that I listen today. I do not just hear your words when you speak; I actually listen to you. The difference may seem subtle on the surface; my experience demonstrates that the results are fairly profound. People enjoy being acknowledged and recognized, who doesn’t want the person they are communicating with to understand what they are saying? ...