10 results for tag: Listening

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)

When I read 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead), I stepped back and laid down my professional training and experience to get out of the way and just take in what the author, Akilah S. Richards, shared. I am glad I did! Her insights and experience as mother and daughter are right on the mark with my own professional understanding of tween girls. I encourage you not to make the assumption that this only applies to tween Girls of Color; you would be incorrect. In fact, if you shift some of the details just a bit, the same challenges and solutions apply to tween boys, although they may not be as obvious. I am interested in hearing about your experiences with tween girls (and boys) and the solutions the author shares in 4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead).

4 Messages We Send Tween Girls That Undermine Their Self-Expression (And What To Say Instead)


Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you: A seriously insightful cartoon. We often apologize assuming that people will appreciate our politeness and good manners. But in most cases, the other party is much more pleased to hear words of gratitude from you rather than an apology.Talented illustrator Yao Xiao, using everyday situations as inspiration, helps to explain why «thank you» is sometimes better than «I’m sorry» in this cartoon. We at Bright Side thought it really made sense, and just had to share it with you. Take a look.


The Number One Reason Most Relationships Struggle

The number one reason most relationships struggle is not lying, cheating, arguing, money, sex, child care or even division of labor. The number one reason most relationships struggle is communication. I know that sounds simple but many couples avoid the important conversations for fear of how their partner will react. Many people struggle with listening, not just so they can give a good reply, listening to actually hear what their partner is saying. ...