31 results for tag: Humility

Men That Try Too Hard

Men get a bad rap. If the only thing you knew about men in America came from watching TV, movies and listening to music, you would think all of us are angry, violent, lazy men hanging out on the couch watching sports and playing video games all day. It is absolutely true that a chunk of the American male population fits this description, but not all of us.  Generally speaking, men that try too hard are rarely in the news or make headlines, we are doing what we do with humility and anonymity....

Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman

Many years ago I had given as a gift the book by Maya Angelou Phenomenal Woman to a friend. I remember the first time she read it and watching her face light-up as if she had just been touched by an angel, maybe she was in a sense. I have always been a fan of Maya Angelou. I flinched this morning when I read that she had passed. Although we had never met, I felt like I lost an old friend. Amazing and phenomenal people have that effect on those that have heard or read their words. Along with being an amazing writer, Maya Angelou had as beautiful a speaking voice as I can remember hearing....

A Sober and Healthy Life

I remember in the late 80s and early 90s when AA, NA and all of the 12 step programs first began to gain mainstream popularity and support. At the time, there was almost a sense of hysteria about alcoholics and addicts finding a "new" method to create a sober and healthy life. In a matter of just a few years there were registered 164 different 12-step programs based on the structure and foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous. Soon after that the very popular book Codependent No More by Melody Beattie became a bestseller and it seemed as if everybody was claiming they were now a codependent or somebody in their life was a codependent. Codependency was all the rage. It is funny to think that pretty much everybody was claiming somebody or themselves to be either an alcoholic, addict or codependent, as if these were goals to achieve in life. ...

Portraits of Reconciliation – Forgiveness in Action

As a generally sensitive and caring person, I feel something when I read about human suffering or accomplishments. I am riveted by our species and experiences. I am rarely moved to the extent that Portraits of Reconciliation from The New York Times has moved me through acts of forgiveness in action. The images and descriptions are profound, providing vivid insight to the experiences of genocide from the lens of perpetrator and survivor in a way us Americans cannot fathom. We were all shaken in different degrees by 9/11, but this is completely different, another plane of existence. ...

6 Words You Should Say Today

I recently saw 6 Words You Should Say Today posted on Facebook. I won't lie, when I see a post about an article on Facebook with a very sensational title, I usually disregard it.  Something inside of me said, "I need to read this." I am so glad that I did. This is very inspiring and beautifully written article on being a parent, partner, friend and human being....

Can Watching Football Teach Me About Recovery?

There is an addiction treatment method for recovering alcoholics and addicts called Recovery Dynamics. It was created by a practical, wise old alcoholic, with some of the best professionals in the field of recovery. Recovery Dynamics uses the Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous as a modality for treatment, not just as an afterthought. There are many excellent exercises in the manual; this is one of my favorites for working with groups of addicts and alcoholics....

Worst Yoga Teacher Ever

We all know creepy men (and women) in all walks of life. We know a select number of Priests that have molested children. We know there have been Gurus that have manipulated and taken advantage of young female students. We know there are male and female, therapists and counselors who have misused their power and connection to coerce clients into having sex with them. Of course, there are all the CEOs and politicians that can't seem to find enough ways to abuse their power. It should not surprise anyone that there are Yoga instructors who misuse and abuse the power they have for sex and exploit Yoga students should it?  Enter You Tube theatrical video Worst Yoga Teacher Ever.  Even with a warning, I flinched a few times during this short, satirical video.  Why would we think Yoga Teachers are exempt from foul play?...